Thursday, September 17, 2009
I'm from Planet America!
Claire Cross, Dallas Re: What planet?
I was born in Dallas, Texas were hate killed President Kennedy. I live in a State where it’s legal to carry a gun. I live in a Country where a Security Guard was killed by hate as he guarded the Holocaust Museum. I live in a Country where people’s beliefs cause them to kill Doctors practicing legal medicine. I live in a Country where” Hate Crime Bills” are being passed in various States, Texas has one.
I’m from Planet America.
“You people” people whose hate and opinion manifest itself into physical harm to others, ready for what? To defend my self and home when Hate overcomes them and they cannot control their emotions or actions. I have witness some lately.
I live in a Country where I have a first amendment right, I’ m a volunteer member of the DFW Airport Board, this is second time around, first eight year service cost me $89,000.00. If the Body that appointed me want me gone that’s their right.
Betty Culbreath
Citizen of the United States of America
1636 Bar Harbor Dr
Dallas, Texas 75232
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sorry, Not a Racist !
I was told today I can not be a racist because I have no power over people to affect their lives. I know I never felt like a Racist.My Mom was white,father American Indian,black,grandfather American Indian,white. When my kidneys failed and I needed a transplant, a lovely white family lost a Loved one and they donated his Kidney to save my life. We were a 6 point match that's almost imposable from different races people. I have had no rejection from the organ. The transplant reinforced my life long belief that Humans or Humans and the pigmentation of their skin has little to do with who they are inside.
If what I say sounds racist, I'm sorry because I can't be, I would need to hate my whole family. Love Ya!
Letter to Editor/Lady ask What planet I'm from?
A nice lady wrote the DMN letter to editor section and ask what planet am I from. She also ask who "you people" and will start killing" and she wanted to know what I was getting ready for.The she wanted to know how I kept my Job at DFW with these ideas in my head. Now this lady's comments were in reference to my little statement I had in the blog to Trey Garrison. Please read my reply.Claire Cross, Dallas Re: What planet?
I was born in Dallas, Texas were hate killed President Kennedy. I live in a State where it’s legal to carry a gun. I live in a Country where a Security Guard was killed by hate as he guarded the Holocaust Museum. I live in a Country where people’s beliefs cause them to kill Doctors practicing legal medicine. I live in a Country where” Hate Crime Bills” are being passed in various States, Texas has one. Response to Claire Cross/ Dallas
I’m from Planet America.
“You people” people whose hate and opinion manifest itself into physical harm to others, ready for what? To defend my self and home when Hate overcomes them and they cannot control their emotions or actions. I have witness some lately.
I live in a Country where I have a first amendment right, I’ m a volunteer member of the DFW Airport Board, this is second time around, first eight year service cost me $89,000.00. If the Body that appointed me want me gone that’s their right.
Betty Culbreath
Citizen of the United States of America
1636 Bar Harbor Dr
Dallas, Texas 75232
Monday, September 14, 2009
It is What It Is !
The one picture in my mind that helped shape my opinion that much of what is being said about President Obama is race based, was that of the Lewisville school teacher. The teacher said on national TV “I do not want my students to hear the speech because I don’t think the President should indoctrinate the students. I don’t trust him with any child” that statement was not about a speech. “Not trust with any Child” is about a pedophile it comes from hate. Does this teacher trust the Black Kids in her class room? The statement about the speech could have been make about any President but to take is a step farther and add, “I don’t trust him with any child.”
People had much to say about President Bush I found myself defending him all the time. People spoke about his policies and for the most part were civil. People were not evil and did not shout ugly statement at each other. President Obama has only been in Office nine months and already a grown man can not hold his emotion while the President is speaking. The emotion is too strong for a normal policy discussion. The fact did not support the statement. It does not matter who the President is that particular arena is not the place for raw emotion. If it did not happen in the absence of the President what else could have fueled it.
I am going to work on myself and try to help people who want help. I have volunteered the past 41 years in various campaigns most being Anglo candidates
And again never witness such diehard hate, anger towards the person least responsible for their problem.
I supported Obama for two reasons, 1. Tax reform and he has done that, my tax liability is no longer the same as a person making $844,000.00 per year. Secondly he promised health care reform. I enjoyed health insurance from my employer with prescription benefit. After retirement I paid COBRA $204.00 per month same coverage, when I became age appropriate for Medicare the insurance company made me use Medicare as primary and them as secondary. What did that mean, well it meant they no longer paid for certain medical procedures. If Medicare did not pay they did not pay, I lost dental benefit, and many drugs are not on Medicare formulary so I must pay the total cost for prescription now. Total amount I now pay is 305.00 per month with less coverage. Many people can not afford to pay that amount each month.
Many of you only know what you see on the news I live it daily and many other people who pay insurance. I could have saved Medicare by continuing to pay private insurance but, no said insurance company.
My friend was diagnosed with lung cancer, never used her employment insurance and her company is self funded, meaning it does not cost an insurance company one dime, but the Third Party Administrator has a gate keeper who denied her chemotherapy treatment that was working, she had scan to show cancer was shrinking, they said no, its being used for maintenance so she must pay for the medicine herself. Life and Death decision being made by a mid level person in a cubical. We need Health Care reform, Thank God President Bush passed the Medicare prescription bill and even it has a 90 day period you must pay full price for prescriptions drugs. President Bush passed the Ex Offender bill and President Obama has not funded it, I disagree with President Obama on that issue. My Politics are issue related but when it is what it is; I cannot look the other way.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Maybe I Am Becoming A Racist?
Warning I write what I think, My Opinion.Gramme is not a part of what I think, so read at your own risk.This is a blog not a professional document for any specific job.
I spent most of my life doing what I believed was the right thing. I was born to a mixed race family who were all business people of some sort. I never paid much attention to race. I fought in the Civil Rights movement because it was the right thing to do, mine was more about equality for people paying the same tax.Public facilities used by all.I do believe private places could do as they pleased as long as no Public funds are used.I still believe that.
As Director of Dallas County Health and Human my department reflected the make up of Dallas County, it was not something I tried to do, I just hired people based on qualification and it came out fair.If people would treat all people based of them and qualification all would come out fair. What we have in Dallas, Texas and other places is, we do not treat all equal, we use Race as a factor and that is what changes the landscape in favor of a particular group.
In the past two years I have found myself in a position of being treated a certain way because of Gender,Race,non Ivy League education(Blacks were not allowed in when I was in college)not job qualification.Some people write on this blog about my grammar, I have paid staff to write for me ,I give them the text and they do the rest
I know correct grammar,hell after living 68 years I have forgot more then most of you have learn.
Based on what I have seen in the past two years, I am judging people by the way they treat other people based on Race, because what is being done has no rhyme or reason to be done other than Race.
President Obama is being treated bad because people refuse to accept his beautiful Black skin, no matter what he says the fact that it is coming from a black mouth kills you.You have told so many lies about Black people to your Kids, you can not stand for them to see this Black man talking to them on TV, but they can look at rappers.
Yes ,maybe in my older age I am becoming what most Texas American have been all along and just maybe I was fooling myself all this time. My friends often told me as I was growing up that I was crazy because of my Conservative views but I just waved it off, as I live these days it seems they were right I was wrong about Human beings.
So when you see me now remember, I am going to judge your treatment of me based on color , I can't help it you made me do it!
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