Tuesday, October 24, 2006

People I think about often!

I think about people a lot. I just think about them and remember what they mean to me or just how good they were if they have passed on.
Just to name a few:
David Fox , George Allen Sr., George McGowan Jr.my father made me the woman I am today, how I miss him wish he could see me now. Marvin Thomas, W.O. Bankston, Alto McGowan, John Stemmons ,Patricia Beck my friend from the Community Council day's I was paid she was a volunteer, Jimmy Bankston I think I will go to the Country and visit him.
Jesse Dawson, Al Lipscomb, Retired police officer Dwayne Bishop, Arthur Busby, Burl Jernigan, Thomas Jones, Cleo Steele, Robert Jones Waco Texas followed me on TV and news paper. Jim Bowles, Sharon Boyd, Steve Bartlett, Al Gonzales, Eddie Hill, Jeff Fagan, Kevin Cox ,Lucy Patterson. Well that's enough tonight it makes me sad that some of them have passed on. I have more!

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