Stevie Wonder knows John Price is the County Judge, the sad part is he is not in the correct position on the Court. Price certainly deserves the Judge position but cannot win it Countywide. Judge Price has the knowledge to run the County and is smart enough to get things done. I would vote for him for County Judge. The only problem with Judge Price in my opinion is his vindictiveness towards people who disagree with him.In my opinion he uses his position to retaliate against them. The issue can be anything, having nothing to do with the County and he will try and harm you ,it last for years. I don't want to think he's evil because he has a good heart , but he takes disagreement as heartbreak and the pain that follows is brutal.
I am happy that Judge Price is on the job because the County needs his Leadership more now then it ever has.Allen Clemson has announced his retirement, I sure like Allen and enjoyed 21 years of working with him he is brilliant and has good temperament .
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