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DISD is so silly I could not bring myself to write on my own Blog. First this new Finance Director wants to break the law by supplanting Government funds to pay for positions that are paid from the General Fund budget. If he had known any thing about federal grant money he would know that is a violation of the law. Hinojosa hired him what a fool. The amount of money DISD receives from grants ,Dr.H should have known to hire a person with some grant experience. The man meant well , he just did not know the rules but someone at DISD should have told him instead they allowed him to make a fool of himself going to Austin asking permission to break the law.
Edwin Flores is another one, why does this man think the tax payers are stupid? He proposed a ethic policy that does the same thing the Board does now only difference it's in writing. What a fool. Dr.H is firing all the Teachers but to date none of his
500 or so management staff has been fired. DISD does not know how many employees it has. Ms. Olson was supposed to be great but it seems that the wavier for her to remain in Tarrant County and work in Dallas did not serve DISD well , as HR Director she should have known there were to many employees for the budget, then again she knew nothing about State funding/staffing policy she only new military and DISD is not the army far from it. Dr. H is a disaster and his staff is also. They don't know their heads from a hole in the ground. The kind of mistakes they make are just incompetent. DISD knew from day one the numbers did not fit the staffing requirement to receive the money they needed, that's the reason they went door to door looking for students. Poor Mayor Leppert he had so wanted the DISD to improve. Dr. H was not even honest with him. Please Mayor Leppert do not trust that group again. The DISD has been run like this for a while it was hid better in the past. They have bad bookkeeping because it's harder to catch wast and thief in that system. I remember oh so well when the Finance Director from DFW went over to DISD she did not last long she ask to many question and wanted to change things they soon got rid of her.DISD is like mold it keeps growing and growing and poison every thing in its path. The only fix for Mold is tear the whole inside down and start over. That is the only thing that will cure DISD of their Mold problem. Carla Ranger is the only member of the Board working for student and taxpayers.
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