I am so sick of Governor Rick Perry that I get a pain in my rear end every time he speaks. I supported this man in the past. What happens to people once they are in elected office? I know so many good people who run and win and then it's as if someone else posses their bodies and do so many odd things.
Rick Perry please stop making a fool of yourself.
I attended the press conference Wednesday in front of Dallas City Hall with Southern sector people against Prop.1 and 2. The people gathered were a good cross section of Oak Cliff people. I was invited by the Oak Cliff Chamber not by the Black Consultants running the show. Kathy Nealy and Willis Johnson. I guess since John Price does not like me Kathy and Willis cannot invite me in my Leadership position to a free press conference. The sad part is I am a Leader in this community by service and not for being paid.
John Price is a Leader for pay, he won one seat and has been there for years .He can not go anywhere else. John leads District 3 on the Commissioners Court, I lead people all over the City and County by appointment of governing bodies not by self appointment. When I ran for Office I did not run to win I ran to make changes and that I did. Price likes to say I only got 35% of the vote in City Council race ,hell I should not have gotten that. I ran against the entire Black establishment and (Price,Nealy,Sampson)with five people in the race and made the run office. I had one staff person and was sick and made the run off, now that's Leadership.
Anyway during the press conference the speakers were so full of bull----. Why do Black Leaders think they need to be Buffoon's at all times. They made comments about Crow and sounded like a group of street thugs rapping about some drug dealer. Crow is spending his money on what he wants and he has that right. I have not heard Mr. Crow say one word about the Southern Sector leadership and all the Elected ones have ask for his financial help from time to time. Please stop acting like Buffoon's you make President Obama look bad.
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