Saturday, May 23, 2009
Can We Stop Hateing People Who Disagree With Us?
May 23, 2009
I ran for City Council in 2006 the day after the election, I checked into Baylor Hospital and had major surgery. I kept the surgery quite because I was still a DHA Board member. I was hospitalized for seven days. My friend and one of the hardest working Councilman at City Hall, Dwain Caraway was by my side and all. Took me home from hospital. And saw to it I had every thing I needed.
I tell this story because after that surgery
I sort of mentally separated my self from Politics and stayed out of it so I could recover. The DHA board was a natural for me it’s my profession. I did not miss one meeting due to illness. I am now on the DFW Airport board and its hard work so many aspects to the organization. It is very political. Just two short years and the climate have changed.
What I have found this time round the people in Power want you to agree with them on all issues as if you give up your identity and mind to serve. They get mad with you and you become the enemy vs. a person with a mind of your own. What is strange is your opinion is not contrary to their opinion they just don’t want you to express it’s as if no one has sense but them.
They really become angry with you and you end up on the s---- list. To make this City and Country great it will take all of us. No man no matter how smart knows every thing
We all need help.
Many mistakes are made because people think they are so smart and know everything until they put their foot in their mouths daily. Some have the God mentality if they say it
It’s the law.
Pray the people will give up that nasty hate of people who simply have a difference of opinion.
President Obama has said our opponents are not our enemies and that is so true good open dialogue Is healthy I hope the New Council will understand and have more tolerance for other peoples right to the First Amendment.
This comes from experience.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Round One: DA Craig Watrins vs. Commissioner Price
Well, the show is on at Dallas County. Freshman DA elected County wide, very well liked, doing good job named Texan of the Year by major news organization in one corner.
Career 25 year County Commissioner elected from District 3, Jail problem, budget short fall, been in confrontation with lots of people, bad press on Inland Port and etc,
Timing is the only thing saving Commissioner Price in this battle.
Black folk are happy with Craig Watkins being first Black DA. People all over the World like the fact he has return Justice to the criminal justice system.
If and when the Voters are forced to make a choice it will be the Black DA who has restored honor to the office. Many people are already mad at how Commissioner Price is treating Craig Watkins. The one saving grace is DA Watkins has not called Commissioner Price’s name as being the one, but the street grape vine has it and now everyone knows. John is correct in handling the budget it’s his job and responsibility, but to say the DA is in La,La Land.
The side bar work that the Public does not see is why the DA responds the way he has. I retired form Dallas County in 2004 they had started to ask all Departments heads to cut % back then and every year since, this budget shortfall is nothing new. Dallas County has the lowest tax in the State and that is good. The Commissioners Court is responsible for the Jail being in the condition it was in, Sheriff Bowles asks year after year and was turn down, but his jail still passed inspection. In the same budget. I was in the same hearing begging for my budget, the budget office turned me down every year for jail health even when Parkland was paying, The way Budget works at the County is: the budget Office sends you a budget based on current spending and staff, they then ask you to submit your new request for the new year, this information is given to budget office, the analyst meets with you and HR review you staffing request after that the budget office sends to the Commissioners Court what they recommend you get. Budget hearing is when the Commissioners hear your plea for new items that budget office did not recommend. Thos decisions have Cost the County close to 50 million dollars.
Neither jail nor jail health ever failed inspection during the five years I was in charge of health and worked with Sheriff Bowles. We had no new lawsuits either.
It is time Elected Official take responsibility and do what is right raise the DAM tax.
Officials are being irresponsible in asking staff to cut, cut, and cut when the only thing to do is raise more revenue. I worked for Dallas County 21 years I know how lean it is in terms of staff. I also know how Commissioners pick on different Directors and Officials.
Mike Cantrell hated me so he got off the Health Advisory Board, he could not take a Black woman speaking up. Jim Jackson could not stand Bowles that’s why they set him up. I could write a Book about what went on at Dallas County 21 years but the County has been good to me, so I will take it to my grave with me.
You need to write and tell the full Commissioners Court to do the right thing, raise taxes to fund basic County service we do not mind paying a little more for Justice to remain in the Court House. Commissioners Court 411 Elm St. Dallas, Texas 75201
I write this blog under the First Amendment, not as a Public Official.
Career 25 year County Commissioner elected from District 3, Jail problem, budget short fall, been in confrontation with lots of people, bad press on Inland Port and etc,
Timing is the only thing saving Commissioner Price in this battle.
Black folk are happy with Craig Watkins being first Black DA. People all over the World like the fact he has return Justice to the criminal justice system.
If and when the Voters are forced to make a choice it will be the Black DA who has restored honor to the office. Many people are already mad at how Commissioner Price is treating Craig Watkins. The one saving grace is DA Watkins has not called Commissioner Price’s name as being the one, but the street grape vine has it and now everyone knows. John is correct in handling the budget it’s his job and responsibility, but to say the DA is in La,La Land.
The side bar work that the Public does not see is why the DA responds the way he has. I retired form Dallas County in 2004 they had started to ask all Departments heads to cut % back then and every year since, this budget shortfall is nothing new. Dallas County has the lowest tax in the State and that is good. The Commissioners Court is responsible for the Jail being in the condition it was in, Sheriff Bowles asks year after year and was turn down, but his jail still passed inspection. In the same budget. I was in the same hearing begging for my budget, the budget office turned me down every year for jail health even when Parkland was paying, The way Budget works at the County is: the budget Office sends you a budget based on current spending and staff, they then ask you to submit your new request for the new year, this information is given to budget office, the analyst meets with you and HR review you staffing request after that the budget office sends to the Commissioners Court what they recommend you get. Budget hearing is when the Commissioners hear your plea for new items that budget office did not recommend. Thos decisions have Cost the County close to 50 million dollars.
Neither jail nor jail health ever failed inspection during the five years I was in charge of health and worked with Sheriff Bowles. We had no new lawsuits either.
It is time Elected Official take responsibility and do what is right raise the DAM tax.
Officials are being irresponsible in asking staff to cut, cut, and cut when the only thing to do is raise more revenue. I worked for Dallas County 21 years I know how lean it is in terms of staff. I also know how Commissioners pick on different Directors and Officials.
Mike Cantrell hated me so he got off the Health Advisory Board, he could not take a Black woman speaking up. Jim Jackson could not stand Bowles that’s why they set him up. I could write a Book about what went on at Dallas County 21 years but the County has been good to me, so I will take it to my grave with me.
You need to write and tell the full Commissioners Court to do the right thing, raise taxes to fund basic County service we do not mind paying a little more for Justice to remain in the Court House. Commissioners Court 411 Elm St. Dallas, Texas 75201
I write this blog under the First Amendment, not as a Public Official.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A Day At City Council,Oh My God.
When the Mayor and Dallas City Council finish with the budget if they cut just half of what they talked about today, City Hall might as well close down. The water rates are going up again, parking, meter rate plus CUT,CUT ,CUT. Senior Service program they want to close down. People please pay attention and call your Council person.
Tax must be raised or Dallas will go darker at night.
They are spending 16 million dollars of Transportation money from President Obama to pave across Woodall Rogers freeway so Uptown can meet Downtown ,but want us to continue to drive on the tore up streets. We use Bond money for basic service but stimulus money for Park. I pray for the Councilmembers who are trying some don't have a clue. If you have time just go see your Government at work.Councilman Caraway,Atkins and a few others are trying Hill is on Judicial issue so maybe something at City Hall will work. Mary knows what it takes but the people she work for will not allow her idea's to happen. Sad so Sad.
Ok! Dallas Dirk Nowitzki Loves Woman of Color .Get Over It.
OK! Dallas now you know something that I have known for years. Dirk Nowitzki loves Woman of color and always has. That is one of the reasons he has kept his private life so very private, he knew Dallas would hate him for loving women of color. In Dallas we are so very racist in public but, Oh so equal opportunity in the bedroom.
Dirk is not the only one they are from the Board room to the wash room, baseball, football you name it.
White men love woman of color. Dirk is not an American so his love for women of color
Is a choice he made and it has worked for him.
The number one reason Black people are all different colors. White men have been in love with Black women since the beginning of time.
Dirk Nowitzki, its not wrong to love Cristal Taylor, she had some problems in the past trying to keep up, spending money, writing bad checks and misdemeanor thief. That does not make her a bad person. Is she wrong for doing those things yes, does that make her bad no. Martha Stewart went to prison. Judge Mathis went to jail.
Mark Cuban and party would love for you to date Martha Stewart her crime was the same.
Dirk, Dallas Fans, Mavericks and some of your employees want you to kick Cristal to the curb but you love her. Everyone around you Claim to care for you but you pay them so sure they care. How could Cristal know you all this time and no one checked her out until you ask her to marry you? If in fact you were having an investigation done for pre nuptial you were serious about her.
Dirk, Cristal is human she made a lot of mistakes but don’t allow your People to keep you from extending a helping hand. This Lady is in jail, no money and no help, if you love her help her. That does not mean you want to marry or have a relationship but if she lived in your home for two years, she deserves some help from you. Legal help so she can get her life on track. The case in Beaumont will not fly; Texas does not put people in jail for not paying a bill so that can be beat with good legal Counsel. The probation case in the other State is so old she will get time served or reduced sentence so she really will be back on the street in no time.
Cristal you need to think about your life and realize your beauty is 37 years old and will get older by the day so you cannot continue to use it to influence men to be good to you.
Get a job or education so you can care for your self, gain some confidence in self not beauty. Dirk Nowitzki loves you I believe, but you past caught up with you and has destroyed what has been your lifetime dream, marry a man with money. I am sure you care for him but God has interrupted your life for reason. Claim Jesus and leave reporters alone. Pray for God to send you some help quick!
Monday, May 18, 2009
May 18, 2009
For immediate Release
CONTACT: Betty Culbreath
2009 THEME: Greater Work’s We Shall DO-John 14:12
Pastor Mack T. Flemmings and congregation will celebrate THEIR Thirty fifth (35) Church Anniversary May 31, 2009 at the 10AM Worship Service.
Pastor Flemmings is the first and only Pastor of the 35 years old Church. Freedom the organization was born on Kellogg Street in the home of Judy and Don King, sister and brother in law to Flemmings. The Church later held it’s service at People’s El Shaddal Community Center, after rapid growth moved to 9021 South R.L. Thornton Freeway and finally to 3715 S. Westmoreland where they remain for 30 years.
Dr. Flemmings is very active in the Dallas Community and serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors for FOCUS, organization for at risk youth. And other Quality of life issues
Pastor Flemmings hosted an Official Community Inaugural Ball for President Obama’s inaugural. Freedom has just finish planting its Community garden as part of its youth program.
Dr. Flemmings is General Secretary, Institutional Missionary Baptist Convention, member African American Pastors Coalition, Foreign Mission Board, and National Baptist Convention.
Dr. Flemmings is a proud graduate of the Booker T. Washington High School, Dallas where he studied art and drafting, he designer the cover for 1959 school Year book and various other graphics throughout the book.
Dr. Flemmings received his Masters and Doctoral Degrees in Philosophy, Aspen Christian College, Denver Co.
Contact Church office for further information: 214-339=2259
COME ENJOY SERVICE SUNDAY MAY 31, 2009 10:00 AM. 3715 Westmoreland Dallas, Texas
between Kiest and Ledbetter across from Kimble High practice field.
The Palin Group What Next?
I sense a little anger in the Plain(DMN editorial) Group lately. The Opinions have been a little harsh on issues. Ann Margolin won the race and they wrote an after letter about the Loser. How tacky.
Sharon Boyd said it best they are out of Touch with their readers. The fact that they endorsed L.D. Thomas and said Tennell Atkins was not doing anything with the Southern Dallas Task force is a lie. I am a member and on the area 10 Advisory committee and we are working hard and have achieved a lot.I have nothing bad to say about L.D. but Councilman Atkins is doing a good job and is very smart.
The Palin group need to get up off of their Butts and come into the neighborhoods are get off their High Horses and read the work of the reported at the DMN.
Once upon a time I had the utmost respect for the Editorial Board but now they need an attitude adjustment.
There has been so many people that I love, admired and respected pass away lately. I wonder if God is having a reunion of his faithful ones? I speak with people one day and a day or so later they are gone. I see so much life lost to useless crimes,I wonder if People realize what Life is worth. Do Young People or Old know when it's over it's over.
The Young man new to Dallas and trusting of people had his life taken for no reason, I cried for him and his family.The Father who took his and his sons life saw no other way out.
We need to pray hard and fast to stop the people from harming one another.Politicians need to project a soft and warm spirit so we can turn this Thing around, Pastors need to pump it up.
Please do what you can to talk with people under pressure, understand them, reach out to them remind them that Life is good and once a person is gone there is no miracle portion to bring them back. One shot, one stab wound a car wreck, driving drunk, talking on cell phone can take a life. Stop Think About It. Don't hurt or harm
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Carla Ranger and Adam Medrano Leaders of DISD Board
May God please help us with the Dallas Independent School District Board.The Board is in a sinful mess and the sad part is they are so into themselves until they really think the public cannot see them for what they are. The Chair of the Board is a buffoon and his answers to the questions posed by the media are the worst I've ever heard.
I ask God to give me the power to try and ignore them for my health sake. My trustee
Carla Ranger is working hard as she can and on this last term limits breaking of the State Law , Adam Medrano helper a lot. Stay strong Carla and Adam.
Well Now Two More Elected Officials Acting Like Thugs!
Well I guess you will call me every thing but the "Child of God" but we just had to more minority elected Officials acting like street thugs in a very sacred building. The George Allen Court building. If the news is reporting correct information.
I have no idea what happen or who is right or wrong, however I do know ,if the Judges
had any altercation in the Court House visible or heard by members of the General public or theirs staff their actions were wrong. The case has been forwarded to the Texas Rangers by the Dallas County Sheriff.
A Judge is the highest office one can obtain that directly effects a persons life with the decision they make. If a Judge cannot control his temper or his emotions in an email to another Judge how can he sit in Judgement of others. It's a dam shame and I hate to hear it on the local news.
Judge Cortez and Moye what could be on your mind?
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