When the Mayor and Dallas City Council finish with the budget if they cut just half of what they talked about today, City Hall might as well close down. The water rates are going up again, parking, meter rate plus CUT,CUT ,CUT. Senior Service program they want to close down. People please pay attention and call your Council person.
Tax must be raised or Dallas will go darker at night.
They are spending 16 million dollars of Transportation money from President Obama to pave across Woodall Rogers freeway so Uptown can meet Downtown ,but want us to continue to drive on the tore up streets. We use Bond money for basic service but stimulus money for Park. I pray for the Councilmembers who are trying some don't have a clue. If you have time just go see your Government at work.Councilman Caraway,Atkins and a few others are trying Hill is on Judicial issue so maybe something at City Hall will work. Mary knows what it takes but the people she work for will not allow her idea's to happen. Sad so Sad.
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