The “Dallas Way”: Ann Lott former Director of Dallas Housing Authority took the witness stand for the prosecution last week in the City Hall corruption trial.
In Ms. Lott’s testimony she described the “Dallas Way” that I often speak about,
She does not know I call it that, but what she described paints a very clear picture of how business is done in Dallas. Ms. Lott said prior to being the Director of DHA she only knew Don Hill as Deacon Hill from church, but when she was
Lobbying for the permanent job she went to City Hall and spoke with Council members. I am sure some of the other Candidates for the job did not know “The Dallas Way”. The Mayor of the City of Dallas appoints the DHA Board. The law was written so the highest ranking Official in the City of Dallas appoints the Board it is suppose to give the Board independence of City politics.
However, Ms. Lott felt she had to or needed to lobby the Council did that mean she believed the Board appointed by the Mayor, would be pressured by the Mayor after he was pressed by certain Council members to hire her? That is the “Dallas Way” and she worked it well. Since Don Hill was a church member, council member and supporter she felt compelled to do what he wanted done. Ms. Lott moved ahead on the Southwest Housing project because Mr. Hill wanted it done.
The property being pulled off the tax roll should have been told to the Council by someone. There is no way I believe something went by and no one at City Hall knew it but Don Hill. It is also strange that Darren Reagan has already been prosecuted for using DHA Section 8 voucher to rent his house to his mother in law. I have not seen other Landlords go to jail for the same crime and I directed Section 8 for Dallas County and served on the DHA Board. I always tried to have them prosecuted but no one would take the case, FBI, DA or State.
The Southwest housing was good for DHA the way DHA got involved happens all the time in Dallas, Texas.
There is nothing in Dallas that is what it seems. Every project no matter how small or large has some back door story. All the back door action is not illegal but it sure is unethical. Its sad how I was really thinking my service was honest and all the time there were other meeting being held and I was not invited.
When I attend meeting now, I ask if this is the real meeting or just the posted meeting. I’m at the point that going to meetings seems like an exercise for the body because most decision or made before the meeting starts.
I think that’s why decision makers sit with strange looks on their face when people are speaking; they know it’s just a waste of time because they are going to do what they want.
Until the people do something about “The Dallas Way” we will continue to be a mediocre city.
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