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Letter to the Editor
Elite News@dfwelitenews.com
Dear Mr. Blair,
I read your column in volume 49 edition 28 with remarks by Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram, Presiding Prelate of the African Methodist Episcopal, 10Th District. Mr. Blair I was shocked to see this man in an African American news paper asking Black Church People to Sow a Seed.
The African Methodist Episcopal 10Th District owned a Church property at 1626 Bar Harbor Dr, Dallas, Texas 75232. The beautiful home had been the residence home for the Presiding Bishop. Twenty five years the home served the Bishops and accommodated District activities. Bishop Bryant a most wonderful man and wife had just lived in the home.
When Ingram was appointed Bishop over this District, which was a promotion for him, he and his wife visited the home and refused to spend one night there. Ingram stayed in a hotel until a house could be found in North Dallas good enough for him. I called the District office and ask why Bishop Ingram did not want to live in the Southern Sector, and Oak Cliff. I was informed that the Bishop did not like the area, and he needed a bigger and better house, and of course the Church was paying for the new house. The house on Bar Harbor did not sell soon as the Church needed the money, because they didn’t have cash to pay for Ingram’s new house; the church took a lost on 1626 house so they could get Ingram out of that hotel.
All this time Paul Quinn was drowning and the man in charge of the District that oversees the school was spending church money living high on the hog, that church money could have gone to the school. If Bishop Ingram and his wife are too good for Oak Cliff that they would not spend one night in a fully furnished house, how can I give one dime to anything that Ingram has to do with? Paul Quinn is located in Oak Cliff, the students live in Oak Cliff but the man in charge will not spend one night in Oak Cliff. Where is God in all this?
I cleaned up Bishop College, I went back and cleaned up Paul Quinn, I worked on getting ac working at Paul Quinn. I have made contribution to Paul Quinn while at the same time I contribute to my Alma Mata Huston Tillotson University in Austin.
Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram a Negro from Detroit has the nerve to dislike Oak Cliff so bad he would not sleep out here, will never receive one dime from me for anything.
I do respect Michael Sorrel and what he has tried to do at the College, I feel for the students but with Leadership on the Board with the mind set of Bishop Ingram nothing will change with all the money in the world.
Dallas Texas, White and Black, City and Corporate community, Churches’ and other groups have supported Bishop and Paul Quinn colleges to no avail. It is time to call the question.
Thanks to Senator West the students do have another school in walking distance to attend and receive an education.
All events are correct to my knowledge some are my opinion.
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