Michael Jackson Death of a Broken Heart.
To be blessed with God given talent ,family, money and fame and yet so tormented with life , the only way you can sleep is have your body shut down so your mind can rest is the saddest reason a human would die in this age of modern medicine.
It always seemed that Michael suffered from some mental stress and grew strange after his skin disease was diagnosis people made fun of his skin turning white, which was so cruel.
Growing up in his father’s home The strict discipline of the Father, being next to the youngest child, the brothers jealous of his natural talent ,seeing his mother dominated by the father, being home all day with so many young kids, hearing the arguments of the parents severely damaged Michael Jackson. A few years of good therapy and some mild medication to stop his mind from spinning like a top would have corrected his problem.
His will expresses he did not trust his family members, even now this poor man has not been buried because of family feud. The Father Joe is busy trying to capitalize on his death, his mother wanting to get Court papers over his Estate very first working day after his death and no one talking about his burial. I know his mother loved him but when will some person from that family show some real grief for Michael.
The fans loved him and God loves him. The stupid Police Chief or Mayor in Los Angles said on CNN “Jackson Family should be paying the City for security while they are paying 25,000.00 for a gold casket” how crazy. In a City of Famous people he should know about crowd control.
People are trying very hard to make Michael a dope addict, I know that the drug reported to have been found in his home are (Diprivan) not the type used to get high. The drug is given normally in an IV and it puts you in a coma like state, you feel no pain nor do you remember anything your mind is blank, when you wake up you do not feel any kind of high. Michael just wanted to rest his mind.
I will never believe Michael molested any child. He was searching for his childhood, he knew children are innocent and love you for who you are not what you have. Children don’t judge, complain or deceive. Michel loved the Peace being in the presence of innocent minds who loved the park games and rides he also enjoyed.
May Michael Jackson rest in Peace and enjoy the sleep of mind he so desperately sought.
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