Monday, December 27, 2010

County Judge Elect Clay Jenkins , Not Sworn, Already Doing Dirty Work !

All people who wanted a change you are getting one.It seems that County Judge Elect-Clay Jenkins has already targeted people in various positions at Dallas County to terminate.There is no way Clay Jenkins can evaluate who to let go when he does not know the County system.Jenkins is taking his orders from someone else. I am told basic information to back up some of his selections does not match the work criteria, people are performing.Clay is being used and what he does not know is he will be thrown under the bus after he is used up.I never though he was very bright but I was impressed by his interview the other day on the direction of the Court,but now I am back to my original opinion,he's no Obama and he might have worked on legal matters with the campaign but to be lead by who he is allowing himself to follow tells me he's twisted. Judge Foster was independent and did not allow John Price to led him.I think you people will miss him after a little while.I hope he cleans up his act, something tells me the next big bust will happen at 411 Elm St.Dallas County Texas. Happy New Year Dallas County

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