Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Letter to Editor/Lady ask What planet I'm from?

A nice lady wrote the DMN letter to editor section and ask what planet am I from. She also ask who "you people" and will start killing" and she wanted to know what I was getting ready for.The she wanted to know how I kept my Job at DFW with these ideas in my head. Now this lady's comments were in reference to my little statement I had in the blog to Trey Garrison. Please read my reply.Claire Cross, Dallas Re: What planet?

I was born in Dallas, Texas were hate killed President Kennedy. I live in a State where it’s legal to carry a gun. I live in a Country where a Security Guard was killed by hate as he guarded the Holocaust Museum. I live in a Country where people’s beliefs cause them to kill Doctors practicing legal medicine. I live in a Country where” Hate Crime Bills” are being passed in various States, Texas has one. Response to Claire Cross/ Dallas

I’m from Planet America.
“You people” people whose hate and opinion manifest itself into physical harm to others, ready for what? To defend my self and home when Hate overcomes them and they cannot control their emotions or actions. I have witness some lately.
I live in a Country where I have a first amendment right, I’ m a volunteer member of the DFW Airport Board, this is second time around, first eight year service cost me $89,000.00. If the Body that appointed me want me gone that’s their right.

Betty Culbreath
Citizen of the United States of America
1636 Bar Harbor Dr
Dallas, Texas 75232

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