Friday, June 10, 2011

Ruling Party Controls , AT What Price?

I worked for Dallas County when the Commissioner Court was made up of three Republican,County Judge,two Commissioners.Now that Dallas County has again become mostly Democrat things are changing.Henry Wade was Demo.DA for years most of the Judges were also Demo. voting patterns changed and Republican elected two Republican DA and most of the Judges also were Republicans its just the way of party Politics.Now the County has changed again Democrats in charge. The incident with Commissioner Dickey was the end result of being man handled by John Price from day 1 of her first term.John has disrespected the woman and bullied her called her names and every thing else, so that out burst was a culmination of some years.I am told that Cantrell made an agreement with John Price that he was not running again,if Price kept a Democrat out of the race last election,Cantrell needed another term to have his retirement in place so the District 2 lines would be the new Demo seat.When Dickey went to bed Monday night it was going to be Cantrell by agreement who would lose a District.Must have been a change of mind for Cantrell or some sort of pay off to Price that Cantrell was all of a sudden the guy with District 1 people for six years and new person in the New Democrat district.The behind the back trick is what upset Dickey,not really the lines she was not going to run again.Sometime Principle means more than then the case.

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