Monday, May 18, 2009

The Palin Group What Next?

I sense a little anger in the Plain(DMN editorial) Group lately. The Opinions have been a little harsh on issues. Ann Margolin won the race and they wrote an after letter about the Loser. How tacky.
Sharon Boyd said it best they are out of Touch with their readers. The fact that they endorsed L.D. Thomas and said Tennell Atkins was not doing anything with the Southern Dallas Task force is a lie. I am a member and on the area 10 Advisory committee and we are working hard and have achieved a lot.I have nothing bad to say about L.D. but Councilman Atkins is doing a good job and is very smart.
The Palin group need to get up off of their Butts and come into the neighborhoods are get off their High Horses and read the work of the reported at the DMN.
Once upon a time I had the utmost respect for the Editorial Board but now they need an attitude adjustment.

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