Saturday, July 17, 2010

May Jayne Peters and Daughter Rest In Peace.

I had the opportunity to meet Jayne Peters twice once during a public hearing before the City Plan Commission when Coppell was opposed to a zoning case close to their City limit line where they believed certain type of people would hurt Coppell and its School District.The next time as a member of DFW Airport Board. I hope she rest in peace.
As a Depression Survivor, I find some of Jayne's action a bit strange for a depressed person. Thinking ahead and planning a murder is something that not many depressed people do.I'm no Doctor but I did a lot of research on the disorder after my diagnoses. Jayne according to news reports continued to lie and tell stories that only benefited her continuing to live a life style. she could no longer afford. To Lie about  hand gun training,go to gun range,borrow gun knowing she plan to kill daughter was premeditated. Jayne rented car Dtr. told people it was her new car,Dtr. packed car, Jayne kills Dtr.leaves her dead in laundry room .Return car walks back home write notes to first responders goes in selects location. for her death all this time Dtr. in room dead. I believe Jayne and Dtr had argument about college and the fact she was not going,why would Dtr. stand there and allow mother to kill her, after going through all that trouble packing.
Jayne Peters was so caught up in impressing outside people that it drove her into desperation.

Jayne could have very easily downsized,I did from large house to apartment told son truth he got a job and helped with bill while attending Lake Highland High School playing basketball and remain on honor roll. It can be done however I never cared about what people think or said. I lost a job we were called in and told our jobs were gone as of 5PM that day. Lost of income is devestating many people are dealing with it,Jayne's dtr. could have started school here in North Texas Mayors have kid that attend local colleges.

One of the things I liked about kay Granger she kept it real and she continues to do a very good job.There is no need to try and make Jayne's case a depression act  she had not been diagnosed far as we know,then that tumor story to many lies for a depressed person we don't do a lot of talking and explaning to anyone.Again may she rest in peace.

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