Thursday, August 02, 2007

Remember Wright Amendment Change and Low Fare !

When emotions were high and every one calling for the end to the Wright Amendment, I tried to tell you from what I knew from the inside that it was never about people or low fares. I tried to inform the public it was about cheap landing fees at Love Field city owned Airport. Landing fees at Love Field are the lowest in US in comparison. What the public did not want to hear was that Love Field has 32 gates. With the new so called improved Wright Amendment ,they will only have 24. A new terminal that was paid for will be demolished and no other gates will be allowed at Love Field. Guess who has the 24 gates? Southwest has 20, American has 2, continental has 2. When American moves flight it hurts DFW and Dallas citizen lose.
Will someone please tell me where all this competition to lower fares will fly from? I see that fares went up on Southwest not one fare was decreased after Wright change.
What has happen 32 flights have moved from DFW to Love and vendors are closing their stores and people are losing jobs. Revenue from those flights are gone. Told you so.

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