Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Update,Hugh Robinson Burial .Most Likely VA.

It seems that a Dallas County Court,has granted an Order for the Legal next of Kin of Mr. Robinson , his older Children who live in VA.,to take possession of his Remains for Burial. There seems to be a problem with the current Ms. Robinson providing a legal marriage certificate.So sad that these kids had to spend this time and money while suffering the lost of their Father.

Hugh,worked hard for this Community and deserves better ,women should try hard to have their affairs in Order, when dealing with a Loved one who has Children and former wives. All people should have their affairs in order,we never know when our last day is upon us.
Yesterday,because of this family's situation, I called all my various places that would be impacted by my death and corrected all information,placed all documents in the safe place ,and started to write ,what I want to occur ,at the time of my demise.
You all should do the same,Death is the one thing we know is coming,the date remains unknown.

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